alphaH Sport+
Maximum performance and regeneration with natural dietary supplements
alphaH Sport+ helps the body to achieve maximum performance and optimal regeneration in a natural way. The performance enhancing formula with 2-OXO-Gularate helps the body to achieve maximum performance

significantly enhances performance
minimizes symptoms of fatigue during and after training
supports energy metabolism
reduces symptoms of fatigue during and after training
reduces unpleasant muscle soreness
for maximum regeneration
More performance
The performance enhancing formula with 2-OXO-Gularate helps the body to achieve maximum performance
More success
The top performances of our athlethes confirms what we’re saying: alphaH Sport+ helps sports professionals and enthusiasts alike in achieving success
Natural ingredients
alphaH Sport+ is derived from natural resources and produced with cutting-edge technology
Sustainably produced
product, packaging and development are made considering hightest environmental standards
HOW DOES alphaH Sport+ WORK?
Especially during sports, free radicals work against the body and cause oxidative stress. This reduces the resilience of the body.
That is where alphaH Sport+ comes in:
The natural, regenerating and performance-improving drink supports the energy metabolism and fights oxidative stress in the body.
alphaH Sport+ was not only developed by our acclaimed medical staff and scientists, but also rigorously tested by independent studies with top athletes: In cooperation with the renowned sports institute of the university of Innsbruck, various tests demonstrated that alphaH Sport+ led to a performance increase of up to 20% and a measurable decrease of fatigue and muscular pain.
alphaH Sport+ with the formula containing 2-OXO-Glutarate helps the body to achieve maximum performance in a natural way. It strenghtens cellular health and helps to maintain a healthy body. Daily consumption increases resistance against stress, fatigue, injuries and diseases. It improves concentration and performance. The innovative nutritional supplement is a result of decades of science. It gives the body in a natural way just what it needs.